Golden Elixir Enterprises is a family business that was inspired by an endless stream of eccentric visitors that passed through our door. We have had to improvise and be quick on our feet to entertain them. We have played to our strengths in using wit, creativity, and problem solving, with a broad sense of humor in the development of our game, House Guests From Hell. Golden Elixir has a variety of other games in various stages of development, with the focus on games that are thought-provoking, addictive, and sometimes even a bit cheeky. Our hope is that we can create products that will help renew interaction and foster connection in an increasingly digital world.
About Us
Golden Elixir Enterprises is a family business that was inspired by an endless stream of eccentric visitors that passed through our door.
Get in Touch
Mail your questions and concerns to: PO Box 1339, Columbus NC 28722